“Do I really need to wear this uniform?” “I look like an enormous third-grader.” “Does my butt look big in these pants?”
Get over it.
Some people might really like the standard Den Leader uniform, but many of us would much rather wear a comfortable t-shirt and flip flops, so why do we have to wear that tan shirt with all those patches on it? The uniform is how we show that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
When I first started as a Den Leader, I was reluctant to wear the uniform out to public venues for the Go See Its, thinking I looked like a big man-child, but as the years went by, I came full circle and found that people do in fact look at you different when you are wearing the shirt — but in a good way! People know that you are are the one in charge, and respect you for what you are doing for the hyper little guys running laps around the room.
The scouts in your den look up to you, so you need to set a good example. If they are being asked to don their uniform with patches, belts, neckerchiefs, hats, and pants with belt loops (gasp!), then you shouldn’t;t have a problem with doing the same. Wearing the uniform shows the scouts that you are one of them. Much like those in the military, police officers, firefighters, and other professionals, the uniform makes a statement — we are all in this together.
A few years back, there was a mom who was planning to be our assistant cub master, but backed out after learning that she would need to wear a uniform. What a shame to have passed up an an incredible opportunity all because of a shirt. Fortunately, we had another parent step up and take the position, and she ended up being amazing!
While the uniform might not be the most flattering garment in your closet, it’ll grow on you — and the rewards are worth it, so button up that shirt, and wear it with pride!
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