After my oldest son’s Arrow of Light ceremony, every parent, grandparent, and many of the scouts, left the event in tears. It was wonderful! The scouts in that den had been together since the first grade, and all of us parents had been taking snapshots and videos of them since the beginning. During the very first den […]
Time to Suit Up!
“Do I really need to wear this uniform?” “I look like an enormous third-grader.” “Does my butt look big in these pants?” Get over it. Some people might really like the standard Den Leader uniform, but many of us would much rather wear a comfortable t-shirt and flip flops, so why do we have to […]
You are not a babysitter!
Imagine having eight overactive, screaming boys dropped off at your house for an hour every week — their parents barely bringing the car to a full stop before sending their little bundles of noise your way. You didn’t sign up for this. Fortunately, one of the great things about the Cub Scouts is that the families that participate tend to […]
I don’t have time for this!
Okay, planning and running den meetings can be a bit of work, but it’s not that bad. Honest! Most den meetings only last an hour or so, basically the same amount of time as a single soccer practice. To save time planning the meetings, you should recruit the other parents in your den to help lessen the load […]
What they don’t tell you about being a cub scout Den Leader
Want to know a secret? Den leaders and their sons get more out of scouting than anyone else. It’s true! The planning and preparation of every den meeting is a team effort, even if it’s just bouncing ideas off one another. Your son will be more involved and more engaged in the activities and the […]